As I sit here and listen to Pastor Cliff bring the message, I can't help but know that God has called me to be a minister, for the first time in my life I am so in love with Jesus..... it's unexplainable!! My motivation that used to be athletics has fizzled and I am consumed by the Lord moving throughout my life at home and in the ministry. Ater visiting NorthPoint and feeling the presence of God in that community, I simply ask myself God? Are you sure I am your man? Like Gideon I have hidden in a cave for years, tied down to bondages that consumed my mind and body. But He was there the whole time as He new it all before it ever happened. I only wish all of this was easy to explain as I know that often times people have a void in their life that needs filling and there is God...Cliffs message only made it more clear to me that no matter how many tattoos or piercings that I am God's man and I have a story that can change peoples hearts for Christ, because it is His story! Honestly, I have spent more time on being the spiritual leader of my household and the husband that I never was, putting many of the extra activities behind me. Upstreet is a top priority as I am leading an awesome group of 2nd graders to be the Church or the Body of Christ. Life is grand and I am waiting for God to make that move!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Where Am I? Who am I?
It's been a while and a lot has happened since the last blog. Well I am continuing to train for upcoming races, I won a race and I spent some time in court. Is it not funny how life is like rain? You really never know when it's going to fall down on you. The 1st 21 years of my life were an emotional rollercoaster and a year and a half ago I said that it stops here, no more abuse no more guilt, I am going to be the man that God intended for me to be. I have not talked to my parents in that 18 months, but we were on the verge of trying to work on things and that's when the rain began to fall, the last 2 experiences that I will remember about my stepfather were both violent and the latter involved physically assaulting my wife. I gave my mom from birth the ultimate decision, stay in the relationship or get out. From the last court date I guess the decision was made, who would have ever thought the woman you called mom and the mother you protected most of your life would choose that kind of life. But it stops here, I am done with it and I wish her well on her journey and ? hope she takes the time to find herself and realizes that no one can do it for her. I have thought and I have cried many times thinking about the one whole side of my family who walked away and turned their backs on me for taking a stand and being the King of my household. But I am in a better place now and I was then I just was not looking in the right places Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadows of the almighty. His shelter is our refuge and there is nothing that can penetrate it, no abusive adult, no war, no disease, no financial downfall, no broken relationship, nothing. I will dwell in the shelter of the lord! My family Missy, Sully the Hampton's and the awesome Clark's and Burkheimer's who have accepted me as I am. For the first time I feel comfortable in my own skin, I don't look for acceptance from anyone and I try not to doubt myself anymore. So did life throw another curve ball? Yeah and I survived because I finally built my house on a solid foundation and I will push ahead leaving the past, to become the minister and the man that Christ has ordained!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Day
So it's been a while and I thought I should update one follower ....of course I'm not sure he still follows. Well 2 weeks of races out of the way!! I races the Regional Championships 2 weeks ago then a half marathon this past Saturday. I was very pleased with both events. Thanks to some of my new family members for showing up in King's Mountain to show support! I am really working hard on my goal in the ministry right now, other than family it's the most important thing I have going on and will hopefully continue that way until the sky rolls back. I am a little worried (yeah I know, worry is not cool) that I am maybe driving people crazy with this or getting on their nerves by taking it so seriously. I hope not , it's just very important to me. So my Ordination Service will be July 26th so if you can attend that would be great. My next race will be June 27th in Boone, 100 miles of brutal climbing in Blood, Sweat and Gears! Well that's all for now!! Later!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
So last week was a pretty good week, but I have to tell you Saturday was the day it hit home. After a 2 hour and 15 minute run which was the worst run of my life I totally crashed. It was a long week of training which I find myself not focusing on as much, and I finally let some time go at the club...I just don't have time for it anymore and I need to be in church working on my ministry pursuit and spending time with my family. I plan on trying to be a recreational Triathlete because I don't foresee going pro due to a job and family. But it was also a mission only to please myself and others. I'm really just determined to do it all for the Glory of God!! I hope that makes since but if no that's cool. The big newz is that we had a youngster decide to accept Christ Sunday morning in Upstreet, a first time attendee!! So thanks to God we must be doing something right down there!!! Well gotta run, just wanted to give a quick update!! Peace and God Bless!
Thursday, May 7, 2009

So last night was awesome!!...I actually had the night off to attend Wednesday night bible study, I love to here Cliff speak the word, never a dull moment and it's straight to the point....this is a quality in which I have always looked for in a minister and had never found until Cliff. A lot of ministers worry to much about offending someone or trying to reword scripture to make it politically correct.....but the truth is the truth and if your going to call yourself a believer than you might want the details in full. It also gives me a chance to hang out with my church family and new friends whom I hope will continue to become a bigger part of my life in the future. So after the study I went down for alter call to ask for some extra prayer and help during this journey in the ministry and Leadership program ....Cliff was so excited it kinda caught me off guard, I felt as if he had really been praying about it and that God told him I was ready!!! So my license should be here really soon!!! Like I said (I was caught off guard). I only hope that I can live up to God and the Church's expectations. On another note I think my Tri coach is a little dissappointed in my scheduling......with class, church and family I have had too shorten workouts a little this week, which he is not a fan of, but none the boils down to OBEDIENCE when God calls are you going to obey the first time? So I will continue to train as hard as I can with what extra time I have!! Well Blog ya later!! God Bless!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Greetings blog land....For those of you who do not know, if you are linked to the Upstreet Underground blog then chances are I teach your children about jesus on sunday mornings. You will usually find my wife and son in the adult services along with the rest of the merry gang! Anyway...i am going to attempt to keep This blog going as I have failed in the past. This will be a place for you to follow me on my journey in becoming a Minister to serve our Lord and to teach others the truth...also you will be able to follow me on my journey in Triathlon as the race season really heats up this month!! Anyways.... Happy Blogging and God Bless!!!!
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